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Mal I am still in school, one of those people who wants to wait till the last year of high school to date. I love to read and cook/bake. I am really crazy!! I LOVE to creep people out! It is so much fun. It is my goal to scare everyone in my school except the teachers and faculty. I like pop and sugar. And broccoli and corn and noodles and pizza. That's about all I ever eat. I have a big stomach for some one my age... but I have a high metabolism. I also like swimming, running, biking, hanging out with friends, playing on the computer, playing on my ipod and listening to music. I am a really good friend, and I can be trusted with secrets because I forget them! I am the friend you turn to when you need to laugh, or be cheered up. Or hen you have an issue that you cant solve. I live in one of the 'cold' states and have two adorable cats.

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